Para obtener más información o aprovechar nuestros servicios, llame al 620-225-8230
Case Management
Case Management is an inclusive look at a person’s needs and resources, linking him or her to a full range of appropriate services, using all available funding sources and monitoring the care provided over an extended period of time.
Its purpose is to ensure that older Kansans are made aware of the options to community-based long term care services and to facilitate the coordination of these services on their behalf.
Home Care Services
Funding is available for various in-home care services to keep older Kansans in their homes as long as possible. These programs may include personal care, homemaker services, respite care, chore services, and a host of other life supporting services.
If you are finding it difficult to continue to care for yourself or your home, or know of someone who may benefit from this program, call us.
Information & Assistance
This service provides confidential help with personal problems, information about available services and referrals to the agencies that can best help.
Trained Information and Assistance staff are located in each county as well as in the agency’s central office to provide assistance to older individuals and adult children taking care of their parents who may have questions or need assistance.
Each county manages programs and services designed to meet the needs of the seniors in the respective county. Their mission is to deliver easily accessible, top-quality services that sustain healthy lifestyles and support self-sufficiency in the aging populations.
Caregiver Assistance Program
This program will provide an opportunity for the aging network to respond to the needs of the caregiver.
SWKAAA has, through contracts, made available information and assistance to a family caregiver or other individuals who care for an older individual and support to grandparents raising grandchildren.
There are many programs of the Agency which may currently be accessed and used by caregivers.
Friendship Meals
Home-delivered meals for the homebound and meals served at meal sites, many of which are located in senior centers.
Eligibility Criteria:
Person 60 years of age and older and the spouse of that person regardless of his or her age; or
Volunteer less than 60 years of age who provides volunteer services during meal hours, as long as his or her meal will not deprive an eligible participant of a meal; or
Non-elderly disabled person who resides in a housing facility occupied primarily by individuals 60 years of age or older where congregate nutrition services are provided; or
Non-elderly disabled person who resides in a home with and accompanies an individual 60 years of age or older.
Home Delivered meals are available for individuals who are homebound because of illness, disability or are otherwise isolated. Volunteers are used to deliver meals.
To find the sites where meals are served
HUD Rental Assistance
Rent assistance is available low to very low-income households through the HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program to assist families throughout our 28-county area in southwest Kansas. (The Ford County Housing Authority's jurisdiction does not include within the city limits of Dodge City and Great Bend.)
Families must meet income and other eligibility and other requirements to receive assistance (a family may consist of 1 person) and you do not have to be elderly to receive this assistance. HUD vouchers are issued when you reach your turn on the waiting list to rent an existing house, duplex, apartment, single room, or mobile home from a private owner.
For questions related to the HUD program or to email documentation, our address is housing@swksaging.org. Current wait time for rental assistance, after we receive a complete application and proper supporting documents, is one to two years – depending on the availability of funding.
Please call 620-471-4711 for an application.
We are happy to come do a presentation for your group regarding the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Please contact the Ford County Housing Authority at 620-471-4711.
Legal Services
SWKAAA contracts with the Kansas Legal Services (KLS) for the provision of legal counseling and representation to persons over the age of 60 living in Southwest Kansas. Types of cases that can be handled by the KLS are income maintenance (Social Security, food stamps, etc.), housing cases, Medicare & Medicaid insurance claims, consumer cases and wills. KLS CANNOT accept "fee-generating cases," or those cases that could result in a fee for legal services from an award to a client, from public funds, or from the opposing party.
For more information on KLS visit their website: www.kansaslegalservices.org
Older Kansans Employment Program (OKEP)
The Older Kansans Employment Program (OKEP) is funded by the Kansas Legislature through the Kansas Department of Commerce to assist individuals who are age 55 and older in obtaining gainful employment. SWKAAA is the contracted provider for these and other employment services.
For more information about job openings for older workers, please contact us at
620-225-8230 or toll free at 1-800-742-9531.
Silver Haired Legislature
The 1982 Kansas Legislature established the formation of a Silver Haired Legislature consisting entirely of individuals 60 years and older who advocate on issues effecting all older Kansans.
SCKAAA is responsible for the election process and providing logistical support to the delegates in South Central Kansas.
Tax Counseling For The Elderly
Tax Counseling for the Elderly will be provided at senior centers and other sites in selected counties in our service area.
Technical Assistance
Technical assistance from qualified staff of the Area Agency on Aging is available to local groups and organizations upon request.
Some areas of assistance are:
Establishing a senior center and/or meals program.
Establishing local programs such as home care.
Almost any area relating to the development of services to a community’s senior citizens.
CARE – Client Assessment Referral and Evaluation
The purpose of the CARE program is to help people find appropriate long term care services and to collect data on the need for home and community based services.
Visiting with a CARE assessor will give people a chance to discuss available long term care options.
Everyone seeking nursing home care must be assessed by the CARE assessor before they can enter a nursing home.
Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) is a free program that takes place during the fall and offers older Kansans an opportunity to talk with trained, community volunteers and get answers to questions about Medicare and other insurance issues.
SHICK offers you free confidential counseling, free publications, and help with the Prescription Drug Program, a privately funded program that enables many Medicare beneficiaries with low income to receive needed medications at little or no cost.
Our volunteer counselors receive training on Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Long-Term Care and other health insurance subjects that concern older Kansans. The goal is to educate and assist the public to make informed decisions on what’s best for them.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides free tax help to individuals who need assistance in preparing their tax returns. This service is available to people who generally make $60,000 or less, persons with disabilities and the elderly. IRS-certified volunteers assist in preparing basic income tax returns with electronic filing to ensure taxpayers receive their refunds quickly and accurately.
VITA appointments are available
January 27th through April 15th 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
To make an appointment, please call 620-742-9531.
***To file a housing discrimination complaint call the Housing Discrimination Hotline at 1-800-669-9777.